Living with Dead Bodies: Exploring a Unique Tradition in Indonesia !


⁣In this video, we explore the fascinating and sometimes unsettling tradition of living with dead bodies for extended periods of time. We visit a village in Indonesia where families keep the bodies of their loved ones in their homes for months or even years after they have passed away. We learn about the cultural and spiritual reasons behind this practice, and hear from villagers who believe that the souls of their deceased family members are still present and watching over them.
Through interviews with anthropologists and locals, we gain a deeper understanding of the complex rituals and beliefs that underpin this tradition, and how it has evolved over time. We also explore the practical aspects of living with dead bodies, including the challenges of preserving the bodies and maintaining hygiene.
This video offers a unique and thought-provoking look at a little-known aspect of global culture, and invites viewers to consider their own beliefs and attitudes towards death and the afterlife.

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